◆ 功能1. 可配合各种不同支连杆及头
2. 具多种使用特性曲线
3. 接线头具帽式覆盖螺丝
4. 可调式
5. 内装接地螺丝.
6. 防尘、防油、防水.
7. 适用温度+5℉ to +160℉.
◆ 额定
250V AC(resistive) |
0.4a |
115V DC(resistive) |
◆ 特性
操作速度 |
0.5mm to 50m/sec |
操作频度 |
Mechanically: 120 operations/min. Electrically: 30 operations/min. |
接触电阻 |
15m Ω max. (initial) |
绝缘电阻 |
100M Ω min.(at 500V DC) |
耐电压 |
1000 V AC,50/60 Hz for 1 minute between non-continuous terminals 2000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 minute between each terminal and non-current-carrying metal part and between each terminal and ground |
振动 |
Malfunction durability: 10 to 55Hz ﹔ 1.5mm double amplitude |
冲击 |
Mechanical durability:Approx.1000m/sec2(approx. 100G’s) Mechanical durability:Approx. 300m/sec2(approx. 30 G’s) |
操作温度 |
Operating:-15℃ to + 70℃ |
湿度 |
95% RH max |
使用寿命 |
Mechanically: 10,000,000 operations min Electrically: 300,000 operations min,(2.,110V AC) MAX. |
保护等级 |
IEC 529 class IP65 |
◆ 购买指南
1. 标准型(尼龙塑料滚轮):
ME-8104 |
ME-8107 |
ME-8108 |
ME-81111 |
ME-8112-P |
ME-8122-P |
ME-8166 |
ME-8169 |
ME-9101 |
ME-8000 |
2. 金属滚轮 (订制品):
ME-8104-M |
ME-8108-M |
ME-8112 |
ME-8122 |
3. φ50mm 橡胶滚轮(订制品):
ME-8104-L |
Me-8108-L |
4. 塑料滚轮 (铁氟龙, 订制品):
ME-8112-PT |
ME-8122-PT |
5. 动作柄1/4白铁3/4弹簧 (订制品):
ME-9101-HI |
◆ 若欲订购特殊型号,请加QQ1589247795与我连络询价或e-mail:3505842271@qq.com